Community Association Hurricane Playbook

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Is your association ready for hurricane season? Prepare your best offense and get ready to align your defense!  The panel discussion above covered these and other areas:

  • Landscaping and property prep and clean-up
  • Insurances and credits | Do you have everything you need?
  • Claims and the claims process -Disaster recovery and potential after-effects
  • Having a plan in place for your association/facility
  • Prepping your pools and pool decks

Panelists: Adam Greenstein (ServPro),  Katherine Zaensi (Prime Claims), Lia Hartwig (Avaclear Pools) and Charles Infantino (GRC Landscaping).

Click HERE to view and download the new Hurricane Guide that was referenced by Adam Greenstein, during the discussion.

Mold In Bathrooms

-Provided by Adam Greenstein | ServPro

There are certain areas of every home that are prone to mold growth. Elements like moisture and darkness create the perfect breeding area for mildew and mold to thrive. While many people think of mold in their kitchen, the bathroom is actually one of the biggest culprits for mold growth in your home. The combination of heat, darkness, moisture, and typically a lack of ventilation means that bathrooms are especially vulnerable to mildew.

Sometimes mold is easy to spot. It can discolor walls or grow on tiles, but in other scenarios, it can be much more difficult to spot. A lingering odor or a slightly discolored ceiling can reveal a major mold problem. Since mold remediation can be quite a headache, the best practice is to avoid mold growth altogether. Preventing mold growth in your bathroom means taking proactive measures to keep your home in the best shape possible.

The following are some great tips for preventing mold growth in your bathroom:

  • Use the fan at all times when showering and let it run for at least 30 minutes following a shower. This will keep the bathroom properly ventilated.
  • Regularly wash the rugs and curtains in the bathroom.
  • Consider purchasing a dehumidifier for the bathroom.
  • Use an all-purpose cleaner to regularly clean your bathroom.
  • Consistently check the toilet and sink for any leaks.
  • Try to keep shower walls dry.
  • Keep bathing products outside of the bathroom.
  • Let as much light into the bathroom as possible.
  • If the bathroom floor gets wet, mop it up as soon as possible.
  • Seal all grout lines.

While some of these tips seem obvious, it can be easy to neglect to maintain these important measures. If you do notice any mold growth in your bathroom, it is important to call a professional right away. Our mold remediation team has years of experience in repairing mold damage large and small. Call SERVPRO of East Davie/Cooper City today to learn more.  954-741-4321 or 954-725-6400.

Water Damage

-Provided by Adam Greenstein | ServPro

A broken pipe is by far one of the greatest nightmares our clients face. Even just a small broken kitchen pipe can quickly cause a considerable quantity of damage to your home or business. It is for this reason that you need to take care of water damage immediately.

Dealing with water damage requires seeking the help of a trained professional water restoration expert, such as the experts of SERVPRO of East Davie/Cooper City. Before they get there, there are a few things you can do to assist in keeping the damages to a minimum. Here are a few tips:

Turn Off the Water

You might be tempted to seek out the source of the leak as your first step. This can be problematic, however, depending on the type of leak or damage. If it’s simply an overflowed sink, then you would just turn off the sink. However, what if a pipe that you can’t see has burst?

It’s because of reasons like these that you need to turn off the water supply as soon as possible. It is also recommended that you temporarily turn off electrical power as well. The last thing you want is for the water to mix with electrical wires!

Accelerate the Drying Process

The next step entails doing everything in your power to get your home to dry. Start by opening windows and turning on fans. This will get air flowing through your home, which will help to start drying it and also reduce the buildup of disgusting odors.

If you have a dehumidifier, turn it on immediately. It will extract moisture from the air, thus helping accelerate the drying process. Run it for as long as possible. If you stop early, it could lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

If you don’t have a dehumidifier, then don’t worry, because the water restoration experts will bring one with them. As we said earlier, however, just make sure you contact them right away. They need to get to your home as soon as possible!

Make sure you also remove rugs and other portable carpeting and place them outside to dry. Try to wipe down furniture and personal items (books, chairs, toys) as much as possible.

Pull Out a Wet/Dry Vacuum

Another step that we recommend taking is pulling out a wet/dry vacuum cleaner. We understand that you might not have one. If you do, use it to remove as much water as possible from carpets, upholstered furniture, and/or tile and wood floors.

This process can take quite a while, but it’s important to remove as much water as possible. Also, make sure you focus more on wood surfaces than carpeted areas. Due to wood’s porous nature, it’s apt to soak up all the water, which in turn will cause it to become warped and delaminated.

Again, if you don’t have a wet/dry vacuum, don’t worry. The restoration professionals will take care of this for you. Just make sure you contact them immediately!

Things NOT To Do!

There are some things you should definitely NOT do after your home suffers from water damage:

  • Never leave web fabrics and clothing items in place. Try to hang them.
  • Also avoid leaving books, magazines, and other such items on wet floors.
  • Please refrain from trying to use a regular vacuum cleaner to clean up water.
  • Avoid using electrical equipment and appliances like a television.
  • Stay out of rooms that have a wet ceiling.

These might seem obvious, but it’s good to know. Be especially careful with wet ceilings. They could be much weaker than you think, and the last thing we want is for a roof to collapse on you!

Final Steps

The real work won’t start until the restoration company gets there. Professionals, such as SERVPRO, possess the equipment needed to do real water extraction and repair. Part of this process will involve installing certain equipment, be it professional-grade dehumidifiers and whatnot.

When this occurs, make sure you follow the directions given to you. Usually, the professionals will ask you to keep their equipment running for a while. Make sure you stick to their schedule and do not arbitrarily turn off their equipment. This could negatively affect the drying process and make things worse.

The last thing the professionals will do is give you preventative maintenance tips. It is recommended that you follow through on these steps to ensure that your home and belongings return to their former state. It can make the difference between whether or not your home ever suffers unneeded water damage again!

SERVPRO of East Davie/Cooper City is here 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns.  Call us at 954-741-4321.

Webinar | Strategies for Reducing Insurance Rates for Community Associations

Hosted by the Community Association Resource Group | Webinar provided by Legacy Insurance Associates, Brandon Levy, CPIA is the presenter.

Learn about the state of the current insurance market and what you need to do to minimize rate increases. How does the master insurance policy work in conjunction with the HO-6 policy. How to implement risk management procedures to reduce claims and reduce premiums. How to read and understand a Certificate of Insurance. Understanding how the bidding process works when determining how to choose the best insurance program and agency for your community.

Note: This webinar is informational and does not provide certifications or credit of any kind. This webinar does not fulfill any requirements set forth by the state of Florida.

2020 Hurricane Guide for Community Associations

Anticipating an active 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, the Florida Community Association Law Firm of Katzman Chandler today released its annual “Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery Guide for Community Associations” to help Florida communities protect their properties and safeguard community residents during what experts say will be a significantly more active storm season.

The Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery Guide for Community Associations entitled, “READY… SET… RECOVER” is immediately available for download online. Community Association Coalition Leaders throughout the State may also request and obtain printed copies of  “READY… SET… RECOVER” for distribution to their member Community Associations by contacting [email protected] or by calling Toll Free 800-987-6518.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA) on May 22, 2020 announced its prediction of an above-average hurricane season with 13 to 19 named storms and 6 to 10 hurricanes – with three to aix classified as “major” (Category 3, 4 or 5) hurricanes, with winds of 111 mph or greater. In 2005, the most active storm season in recorded history saw a total of 28 named storms, including 15 hurricanes – seven classified as “major,” including hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, which caused extensive property destruction and devastation to the livelihoods of millions of Floridians.  While a typical hurricane by itself is a formidable adversary, navigating both pre and post hurricane conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic may prove to be exponentially more complicated – making early and complete preparation more important than ever.

“Because insurance companies are in the money-making business and accordingly, are financially motivated to deny or underpay claims, it is vitally important that volunteer Boards obtain legal advice when both purchasing their coverage and filing claims,” said Leigh C. Katzman, Esq., Founding Partner, Katzman Chandler. “The days of trying to successfully go it alone against insurance giants and a system designed to underpay policy holders are truly over.

The Florida Legislature in 2011 shortened the time frame to file a claim, supplemental claim or reopened claim from five years to three years making it even more crucial that boards be prepared to act quickly and decisively when disaster strikes.”

“READY… SET… RECOVER, specifically assists Community Associations and their Management professionals to identify areas of concern, and to properly and fully prepare before a disaster strikes,” said Mary Ann Chandler, Esq., Managing Partner, Katzman Chandler.

The Katzman Chandler Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery Guide for Community Associations is arranged into four (4) main sections for ease of use:

The first section, An Ounce of Prevention…” addresses routine planning and preparedness measures that are recommended to be undertaken before, or at the latest, in the early weeks of Hurricane Season.

The second section,The Calm Before the Storm…addresses actions to be taken when  a Tropical Storm, Hurricane Watch or Hurricane Warning is issued for your area.

The third section,Triage and the Initial Road to Recovery…addresses the immediate and continuing actions to be taken to repair and rebuild your Community in the aftermath of a storm.

The fourth and final section,It’s Your Insurer’s Turn to Write the Check…describes the insurance claim and recovery process.

Katzman Chandler is a Full Service Florida Law Firm devoted to all aspects of Community Association representation.  We are truly “Committed to Community” and evidence this commitment each day through Passion, Experience and Technology. Our Passion is clear in our dedication to identifying unique solutions to issues and concerns affecting our Clients. Our Experience is evident in our ability to utilize our skills and knowledge to provide our Clients with the highest quality work product and out-of-the-box strategies in the most cost-efficient manner. However, our Passion and Experience come together in our unique use and leveraging of Technology. Our utilization of Technology allows us to provide our clients with state-of-the-art features and programs that complement superior legal representation, and are second to none.

Regardless of the size of your community, Katzman Chandler is dedicated to meeting your needs, achieving your goals and exceeding your expectations. Our services include General Corporate Representation, Delinquent Account Collection, Litigation, Covenant Enforcement, Document Amendment/Rewrite, Property Insurance Damage Claim Recovery, and Construction Defect Representation. Katzman Chandler can be reached by calling Toll Free 800-987-6518 or via email at i[email protected]. Information about the Law Firm can be requested through their website which can be found at